Friday, February 3, 2012

New Look !

Finally, my dearest bloggy has a new look just now hahahaha.
Emang udah lama banget bosen sama template yang lama dan akhirnya googling template baru, then nemu disini.
Selama ini gue biasanya cuma pake template yang ditawarin doang LOL xD
Jadi sejujurnya gue baru tahu kalo template itu musti di download, ga cuma copy-paste html doang.
Mana musti pake unzip file segala. Untung nemu tutorialnya di youtube hehehe *ketahuan gapteknya*
Gue juga ngerubah beberapa title gadgets biar keliatan lebih catchy kayak yang punya *buru-buru pasang tameng* mehehehe
So enjoy this bloggy new cloth, blogwalker. Will update more often ;)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Truth to Trust

From truth, comes trust.
You will never respect someone who lies or covers something up to you, even it's for your sake.
You will never believe in them like before.
You will never see them the same away again.