Friday, October 5, 2012

Sheepman, Dark Hallway and A Piece of Neil Gaiman

I woke up from a very strange dream this morning. Dunno whether it had something to do with the Haruki Murakami's Dance Dance Dance that I just read the dawn before or not.
But the dream found me trapped in parallel dimensions and several alternate realities. (Which is not related with DDD at all ? I don't think DDD is sci-fi..)
Like what, I jumped into one reality wherein the current date were 70th august 2030, really ? I even asked my maybe-not-so-real mom "70th ? August ?" And she (it?) answered "Yes,"
And I was kind of struggling in my dream (or my sleep or my.... whatever) to find the real dimension which I belonged in (read : the same dimension where you read this post yeah) and voilĂ , with so much difficulty *coughexaggerationcough* to open my eyelids or maybe logically, i was just too lazy to wake up, I finally managed to get up in a daze, before muttering "What the hell," then reached for my phone and typed this post on my note before I posted it here at 10:06 today (and then you read it).
So yeah, blame it on the sheepman, and the dark hallway on the 16th floor, and a piece of Neil Gaiman (and Michael Reaves and their Interworld books and the Janices in the other AUs who decided to show me that they exist.
Who knows ?)